• hello.
  • identity, logo, motion, print, video, web design


    How to attract employees that want to enact the company values and keep best talent? An employer brand with exciting, impactful and genuine identity.

    Home > Portfolio > bethechange.


    Identity: logo, colours, fonts, templates, application mockups.

    Print: Brochure templates, Deck templates,

    Project Duration: 2 months

    We had several ideas of messages that describe our values and wanted to make them approachable and understandable for our audiences. Responsibility, reward, inspiration, individuality, acceptance. Some of the words that we decided as a team, best portrayed who we are.

    General ‘words’ and ‘core values’ don’t seem to have much of a connection with the day-to-day worker. I wanted a call to action that encouraged people not only to recognise these values, but action them. to be them.

    Since ‘be the change‘ was a message already used, quite randomly in application with no specific thing being referred to, it was time to use this as the key message as our highest-level message, as it encompassed all of those values/ calls to action.

    Responsibility = be responsible.

    Reward = be recognized.

    Inspiration = be inspired

    Individuality = be you.

    We commissioned an agency to produce an exciting promotional video, based on the visuals that we established, as well as translating the video into several languages, for different international markets, as we continue to employ around the world (at this point we were in 15 countries)


    Creative Direction: Bash Khan, Liza Gray.

    Design Lead: Bash Khan

    Production: Bash Khan, Chris Babatunde, GetStudio.

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    creative design, London E8.